Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Outlooks Towards Energy

I often find times where I am constantly wasting energy. Even if I feel like I am doing something productive, I am never using the exact amount of energy needed to do that and will end having wasted energy as result. The same way I feel, is pretty much the same way electricity probably feels. In a world were so much of life is now dependent upon technology it sometimes doesn't make sense to me why we still use gas as a primary source of fuel. As I think and hope to develop, Nuclear Fusion seems all the more fitting for today and tomorrow's future. Right now in engineering we are working on small projects hopefully to be done sometime in April of 2012. I'm hoping to build a small fusion reactor even if its theoretical in approach, it should be quite awesome. A few months ago I did a post on how all energy across the universe is of the same origin thus new energy cannot be created. I hope to follow up on this concept a little more and look forward to the strange looks from fellow scientist/professors/teachers. Ad Astra!

1 comment:

  1. You have amazing energy that fuels your talent to seek, explore, observe and co create...I know all will come to you as you meet it with an open mind. I enjoy your post!
