Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Importance of Imagination & Preservation

Often times I meet children from my generation (90's) who have very low self esteem. Peers who have aspirations to do great things, and want to contribute massively to society. The biggest thing going on now is the journey to college. What classes you should take, grades you need to get,etc. It is so funny how the merit of academia has become more important than the knowledge one actually gains. I am not implying that grades aren't important, but children have been so consumed by achievements that education is truly undervalued. I'd rather walk out of a classroom knowing I can use my new knowledge to adjust my life in a positive way rather than receiving a %100 on a test I studied 4 hours to take. I know that before my physical body passes on, I would like to help humanity colonize other celestial bodies in our solar system/galaxy. Whether I create models of human distribution or discover efficient ways to terraform Mars. Many adults look at this as a "big dream." "It's going to be hard,etc." I like that most comments I receive are negative with the attempt of being positive. For instance, I know that I would like to go to Cornell University. Not only because of the schools motto, but also because Carl Sagan taught there. I want to leave a legacy of great scientific discovery and foundation continuing the footsteps of true excellence in a human being's cognitive function. I understand that requires great work ethic, excellent academic performance in high-school, but the most important things are that I really want to do what I love, and that I am in a positive state while doing it. Nevertheless work efficiently, be creative, and stay positive.

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